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How to distinguish the performance of fire retardant cloth?


Fireproof and flame retardant cloth is also called fireproof Oxford cloth. Fireproof and flame retardant cloth itself has no fireproof and flame retardant effect, and is processed by special technology in the later stage. That is to say, on the basis of dyed fabric, flame retardant treatment is carried out by using process, or flame retardant with flame retardant function is added to the fiber through polymer polymerization, blending, copolymerization, composite spinning, extrusion modification and other technologies, so as to make the fiber have flame retardancy.

How to distinguish the performance of fire retardant cloth.

Hər hansı bir alov gecikdirici parçanın keyfiyyəti, alov gecikdirici parçanın yanma dərəcəsi ilə qiymətləndirilə bilər. Göstərilən üsula görə, alov gecikdirici parça ilə müəyyən bir müddət ərzində yanğın mənbəyi ilə təmas qurun, sonra yanğın mənbəyini götürün, parçanın davamlı yanma müddətini hesablayın və alov gecikdirici parçanın zərər dərəcəsini təyin edin. . Yanğın müddəti yanğın mənbəyindən nə qədər az olsa, alov gecikdirici parçanın özünün zərər dərəcəsi o qədər az olur, bu da bu parçanın işinin daha yaxşı olduğunu göstərir; əksinə, bu parçanın performansının zəif olması deməkdir.

Flame retardant fabrics can be divided into natural fiber flame retardant and finishing flame retardant, and finishing flame retardant can be divided into disposable and durable flame retardant. Flame retardant fiber has become a durable flame retardant fabric, which has flame retardant effect before weaving, and it has durable flame retardant effect, and the washing times can reach more than 50 times.

Disposable flame retardant fabric is a common fabric in the later dyeing and finishing process by adding flame retardant. The biggest disadvantage of disposable flame retardant fabric is that the flame retardant effect disappears or declines obviously after washing. Durable flame retardant fabric is the application of flame retardant in cotton fiber and its blended fabric. Its main feature is that the fabric can be washed within 50 times, and also has good flame retardant properties Ability.

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