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Polyester Akustik Panel

Polyester Akustik Panel, isti basaraq və iynə vuraraq xammal kimi alov gecikdirən polyester lifdən hazırlanmış, səs əmici funksiyası olan bir növ dekorativ materialdır.

Polyester acoustic panel can be used in different public places like cinema, theaters, dance halls, auditorium, multi-purpose hall, gymnasium and etc.

Polyester Acoustic Panel is ideal to provide a practical and felt like design solution for any wall situation, it provides not only a colorful felt like finish but also has strong acoustic benefits as well.

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Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

Decorative Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panels

Dekorativ Polyester Elyaf Akustik Panellərə, isti basaraq iynə vurmaqla xammal kimi polyester elyafdan səs emici funksiyası olan bir növ dekorativ material olan polyester elyaf dekorativ səs udma paneli də deyilir.

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Polyester Elyaf Panel

Polyester Elyaf Panel

Polyester Fiber Panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

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Polyester Səs Emici panellər

Polyester Səs Emici panellər

Polyester Səs Emici panellər, polyester elyafın isti basaraq sıx və məsaməli səs əmici lövhədən hazırlanan yeni bir səs əmici materialdır.

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Polyester Fiber Akustik Divar Paneli

Polyester Fiber Akustik Divar Paneli

Polyester Fiber Akustik Divar Panelə, isti basaraq iynə vuraraq xammal kimi polyester lifdən hazırlanmış səs udma funksiyası olan bir növ dekorativ material olan polyester elyaf dekorativ səs udma paneli də deyilir.

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Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

Polyester Fiber Acoustic Board

Polyester Fiber Akustik lövhələr yanmaz, mikroporozlu, işlənmiş xüsusi polyester lifdən hazırlanır. Seçmək üçün müxtəlif rəngli və dekorativ parça naxışları var.

Daha çox oxuSorğu göndərin
Polyester Fiber Akustik Panel

Polyester Fiber Akustik Panel

Polyester Fiber Acoustic Panel is also called polyester fiber decorative sound-absorbing panel, which is a kind of decorative material with sound-absorbing function made of polyester fiber as raw material by hot pressing and needle punching.

Daha çox oxuSorğu göndərin
Discount Polyester Akustik Panel made in China not only has CE certification, but also can be customized and wholesaled from Qdboss. Our factory is one of China Polyester Akustik Panel manufacturers and China Polyester Akustik Panel suppliers so you can wholesale and buy discount the bulk of products with low price or cheap quotation. If you want to buy, we can give you price list.
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